
Three Ballerina Tea Dieters' Drink Review

Three Ballerina Tea Dieters' Drink
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As I have gotten older, I have concentrated on eating better and paying strict attention to my water intake. I was one of those people that could eat or drink anything, not gain a pound and experience no gatro-intestinal episodes. When I hit my 30's those thoughtless little choices I made began affecting my weight and energy, including having issues with my gall bladder. The gall bladder came out, the hypothyroidism moved in. For 20 years following the hypothyroidism caused my hair to become dry and brittle and fall out, my eyebrows started thinning, the hair under my arms and on my legs stopped growing, my skin felt and looked like old leather and the weight kept coming on. The daily maintenance medication for hypothyroidism shrunk the goiter that grew in my throat, but did nothing to jump start my metabolism or return my hair to it's natural full and healthy condition, nor did my skin ever recover from it's decline to dryness. I found not only was the outside of my body dry as a desert, but no matter how much water I drank or how many fiber pills I took, or how much fruit and vegetables I injested, the constipation just would not cease. It was painful to even try, and when I was able to relieve myself, it was excrutiating and followed with blood, lots of blood. The blood loss made me dizzy, tired and weak. My doctor sent me for every invasive test available and nothing could be detected. I was told: drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetable, get more exercise...... blah blah blah. I drank more water, ate enormous amounts of fruits and veggies, became gassy and belchy, my stomach distended, unable to go the bathroom for days. I go back to my doctor, complain of the gas, bloating, painful bloody stools and I am given a prescription for suppositories and told that they can always put me in the hospital and "unpack" me. So one day I meet a friend that I haven't seen in a very long time, as we are catching up on each others life events, I tell her of my dilemma and she says: "Come back to my house after lunch and I will give you a box of 3 Ballerina". She tells me she had gone to a chinese herbalist when she had the same problem and traditional medical doctors were not helping her. So I take the box of tea home, and miraculously, I have no gas, no bloating, no puffy stomach, no pain, no blood and regular bowel movements. And of course, as it says, it's a dieter's tea and I've managed to lose 10 pounds effortlessly without changing my eating or exercise habits (that was two months ago). I had to adjust the amount of tea I drank because I drank too much in the beginning and when you do that you do experience diarrhea, so begin drinking this tea in small amounts and gradually increase the amount to suit your needs. It works, it's natural and it's very inexpensive. So all you women out there pushing 50 and above, if you have had similar problems with your bowel movements and weight gain - give 3 Ballerina a try. Don't think you'll be disappointed.

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