
BSN Atro-Phex Review

BSN Atro-Phex
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Ok - there doesn't seem to be much in the way of reviews for this product which is quite surprising considering it's competitors...marketing at work I guess.
This REVIEW is geared for those needing to lose unhealthy weight / fat and is long...I am just a regular joe and only voice my opinion and experience over the last 6 months on my personal fitness quest. Consult a doctor always before using supplements or significantly changing your lifestyle (diet, exercise, caffine, heart-problems, joint pain, etc).

A little background on me and my diet / fitness level and routine for perspective: I am 28, naturally athletic (although NOT naturally thin anymore), 5'8" and weighed 196 lbs and had a visceral fat (internal-organ fat - the stuff that will KILL YOU) of an "11" (>9+ is unhealthy) in February 2008.
I began a diet and exercise program on my own to get back into shape and lose the excess 35# I had managed to pack on the last 7 years. This is as much about health as well as "looks" for me...
I started with a strict diet reduced to about 1500-1800 Kcal / day (virtually no artifical sugars, limited fruit / juice intake, low fat, high protein, VERY low carb diet, high fiber & veggies with a cheat of ice cream once a week) and cardio exercise of 45 mins a day on an elliptical (to reduce impact pain / injury since I was overweight and concerned with running again like I used to) 5-6 days / week. NO supplements other than a protein shake for breakfast (300 kcal meal replacement type) & some caffine (not lattes or cappicinos - black coffee or sugar free energy drinks only), a LIGHT lunch and healthy mixed dinner with meat & salads. This was NOT a "walk in the park"...
I added drinking plenty of water (or mixed with green tea / lemonade with the little sugar-free / low-cal packets), diet soda only and I busted my tail for 4 months and lost approximately 25#, 3 inches off my waist (36 to 33) and from about 21% body fat to around 13%. ALL ME AND HARD WORK ONLY - persistance and effort. After hitting 4 plateaus and pushing through, my body stopped at 168 lbs, 33" waist and about 12% BF for a month. I decided to try a weight loss supplement to see if it could help now since I got the "hard" part out of the way already and still had just a bit more to go. I tried the "big-name" brand for a month and with a normal diet and only moderate exercise (3x week mostly cardio / running / ellitical intervals) I lost another 5 lbs and maybe a point or two more of body fat was reduced. Good - however still just a bit of fat left on my stomach and another 1" that would not go away! I switched to Atro-phex a month ago and here is my experience with these capsules (FINALLY!):
- The other popular brand supplement that ryhmes with "oxy" I tried before this and switched as I was a little disappointed overall. As stated, it's prominent ingredient (other than Caffine as will almost ALL weight loss supplements) is a "proprietory blend" with cinnimon. The flavor (if you hold it in your mouth too long - don't) is cinnimon and if you do get unwanted GI results from using this (mine were very mild and subsided after just a few days as my body adjusted, as with almost anything new) it may consist of the "cinnimon burps" as listed by a previous reviewer and definately more FREQUENT BM's. Perhaps too detailed, but mine went from once every FEW days (just odd with me) to upto 3x a day! This, however does not bother me as it tells me my body is processing food more quickly and keeps me a LOT more regular than I ever was before - not a concern from my perspective.
- The definition started to definately show a little more each week I used it..perhaps the reduction in "subcutaneous water" it claims to accomplish at work.
- I have unfortunately "cheated" ALOT the last 4 weeks with cake, ice cream, pie, etc as available to me. I just caved after 5 months of hard work and sacrifice but still noticed I have not gained any additional fat or weight...I do try to balance a cheat with cardio the next or same day or at least reduce my caloric intake for the next couple of meals. Even with that said - sugar and fat are sugar and fat...it will still add on regardless if not countered but it didn't while I used this product (AND STILL EXERCISED, RAN, etc).
- Lost an additional 3 lbs and another 2% of body fat and the final inch I wanted off my waistline. I am down to my ultimate goal of 160 lbs, 9% body fat, 32" waist & a Visceral fat level of "6"!! To top it off, some very good muscle definition.
This is my pre- 7 year "pack-on" exact body dimisions! With light weight training supplemented for cardio 2x week I have also doubled my overall strength & repetitions (I am NOT a "weight lifter" or muscle-bound) AND my goal of getting back into running again has been acheived. I am running 6 min / mile paces now for up to 3 miles so far and have plans to complete my first 1/2 marathon this Decemeber (I am a decent runner - just had to quit because I got so FAT!!!).
- Nice packaging in capsule pill form: quick disolving in your stomach and oddly??? in blister packs of 7 pills, but the recommended max dosage is 8 total in 2 does / day at 4 each???
***Caveat - I just grabbed (1), 7 pill blister pack a day to carry along and take before meals as directed (30-45 mins prior); I changed the dosage for me at 2 before breakfast, 2 before lunch and 3 before dinner. This made sense to me as it was still below the MAX dose of 8 / day, but not by much, made use of the 7 pill packs and gave me the biggest boost in the evening prior to my biggest meal and the caffine carried me over from being tired (and kept my metabolism up)for hours until bedtime***
- High caffine if you are not accustomed to it - I have been using caffine since day one for an energy boost / thermogenic effect and it had no negative effect on me personally...it was by FAR the best at keeping my energy UP without a "rush". I would feel tired, take the pills and would just keep on going at a normal level for hours afterwards instead of peaking and crashing like on only caffine. Great carry-over all day.
- More BMs and gas
- Slow results, but that could also be due to my entering a maintenance level of fitness instead of weight loss?
- Expensive for the what you get in my opionion as it is marketed more to weight lifters, not the "general public". 98 pills only last 2 weeks at 7 / day.
- Lots of non-herbal ingredients with their quantities not listed (the company's proprietory blend) mixed in with herbal ingredients
- Did not "notice" a better mood in myself other than what I already have been striving for (reduced stress, happier, lower cortisol levels, etc) on my own. Maybe it helps by keeping your body even throughout the day to minimize blood sugar spikes and drops and the cravings / crankiness associated with that and being tired?
- Still was hungry often and had cravings...different than the "ther" stuff I used; I had virtually NO appetite on those.
Overall and long winded - I am moving on to try another supplement for maintence...if it doesn't work better I will come back to these little red capsules.

These are, in my opinion, good for someone wanting to lose 10-15 lbs, a few inches or less and reduce a bit of body fat while controling energy levels and metabolism. Like all other weightloss supplements, it is NOT a miracle diet in a pill and if you do not exercise, do not eat well (or at least reduce your calories and sugar intake for an extended period of time to meet your goals) and still expect amazing results, you may be severly disappointed. Walking and doing pushups are great - for a start - but cardio, sweat and reducing / burning calories and fat are the proven ways that get you in shape and reduce your body fat - vital to be healthy AND more attractive. Funny how those two often go hand-in-hand?! This helps that process go a bit easier is all.
I tell people all the time: EARN what you eat (if you want to take it in, prepare to burn it off!) and you get out what you put in: Crap In is Crap Out! You eat burgers and fries all day, drink empty calorie sugar laden sodas, eat candy bars & chips and expect to lose weight by taking a pill and walking 10 mins a day you will be disappointed - I KNOW PERSONALLY! It took the equivlent of a candy bar or snack bag size of chips 4x week to add the extra calories over 7 years total to put on the extra 35 lbs I gained. No one to blame but myself and I am so much happier and healthier now for it - & in "only" 6 months. What will YOU look and feel like 6 months from now? It is up to you...
Persistance - Do the math and add time...it works BOTH WAYS. Write down your daily calories and meals / snacks until you find what works best for YOU. It makes for more accountability when you can see it on paper. The same goes for tracking progess: I also recommend getting a GOOD scale and tape measure. Step on it only 1x a week and watch the weeks go by - you will see a difference if you stick with it. Water loss / gain can equate to +/- 5 lbs sometimes...average it out over the week for accuracy and know you will be fatigued and tired until you adjust to the new routine. Pain is different, however - don't injure yourself in the process, but don't give up either because "it's too hard". You got yourself there so only you can get yourself out.
These little things only HELP that along, the rest is on your shoulders.
Good luck!

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