
Bragg's Liquid Aminos Apple Cider Vinegar Review

Bragg's Liquid Aminos Apple Cider Vinegar
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I am 34 year-old male who had terrible side effects (severe constipation) from statins while trying to reduce my cholesterol of 234. I had to quit taking them. A friend at work recommended 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar with some juice every day. She said her results shocked her doctor after 2 months. She also said it worked for her sister.
So, I tried it that night, and also wanted to check it out online, because I'm always a skeptic. What I found was that a LOT of people recommend ACV for a whole range of things that interest me. After reading all I've read, and from my personal experience so far, I'm really diggin it. The only side effects I've seen is the taste, and because it is very acidic, people say you should keep it off your teeth as much as possible.
Here's a list of some of the things I've read that it helps dramatically with:
Cholesterol, blood pressure, immune system, detoxification, eczema, migraines, headaches & sinus headaches, hair thinning & hair loss, warts, slow steady weight loss, diabetes, depression, insomnia, increased energy & alertness, infections & cancers, the flu, sinus infections & post nasal drips, allergies & asthma, chronic fatigue, sore throats, arthritis, ulcers, bowel problems & IBS, nail fungus, acne, skin problems & complexion. The list goes on and on, to the point where it sounds WAY too good to be true.
I read several testimonials from teachers and nurses that used to get sick repeatedly, to the point where they thought they'd have to quit their jobs, until they started taking ACV. They claim they don't get sick anymore at all.
Since there really doesn't seem to be any side effects from ACV, I can't think of any reason NOT to try Apple Cider Vinegar. I am curious/anxious to see if it helps with some of my stuff. In particular, I get sick. A LOT. I work in retail and I usually need antibiotics at least 4 times each winter for sinus infections, sore throats and post nasal drips, going back to when I was a kid. Allergies. Cholesterol. More energy and some weight-loss sounds good too! Basically, it seems to clean out your blood and detoxify your body really well, which helps to get the whole machine running like it should.
I've only been on it for 14 days as of this writing, and what I can testify about so far is:
1. Energy/Alertness. I feel really good so far. Many users claim they feel a very persistent boost of energy within a day, and I certainly felt it too, and it hasn't stopped. I've also been sleeping very well. For at least 10 years, (since about when I had mono) I have always felt like I was in a bit of a brain fog. (No jokes please!) Since taking it these past two weeks, I feel very alert with increased energy. It just FEELS like my body and brain are simply "on their game", so to speak.
2. Allergies. When I started taking the ACV, my allergies were already bothering me for a bit, and I've been clear as a bell since the first day. Also, every time I go to my in-laws, my allergies go nuts from their dog. I usually have to start popping Benadryl within a half an hour. This past week, I was there for 2 nights and 3 days and didn't even need 1 pill. My sinuses were totally clear! Was it the ACV? Other people said they had similar quick findings, but I don't want to say for sure. Ragweed season is right around the corner, so we'll see how it handles that.
3. Complexion. ACV supposedly helps clear it up in a slow but steady fashion. My face was breaking out really bad for the past month when my cholesterol pills screwed up my whole system. In addition, I have always had many blackheads on my nose area, no matter what I washed it with. I poured a little bit of ACV on some paper towel and rubbed the area with it like a Stridex Pad, and within 2 days my facial complexion looks better than it has in years. I've never gotten results like this! Again, is it the ACV? I can't say for sure. It could just be that my body is happy I've stopped doing what I HAD been doing. Watch... I'll probably wake up with a big 'ol zit tomorrow morning!
In general, it just feels like I am being detoxed, and natural remedies like this are up my alley. If it helps with just 1 or 2 of these things, with no side effects like my pills gave me- I'll keep at it for a while. I don't want to go around running my mouth until I am positive it is seriously working, but I wouldn't mind hearing if it is working for other people too. So let me know if you try it and what you find, and I'll continue to do the same... I'm a bit of a closet scientist who loves to discuss his data!
The only other things I take daily are a Men's One-a-Day vitamin, Activia (yogurt), Claritin (allergy pill), and a fish oil pill (also good for cholesterol & heart health). I've been taking 2 tablespoons of the ACV mixed with very little water, like a shot, and then I chase it with more water. The bad taste is over in less than 5 seconds- No sweat!
One thing I've read over and over again, is to NOT buy the regular ACV you find in the store. People say that it has been distilled and filtered to make it look more clear- but that just takes out all the nutrients and potency. They say to look for "organic" or "raw" from a health store or farm stand, and it is just as cheap. They say that the cloudier it looks, the better.
Just Google "apple cider vinegar" and you'll quickly find hundreds of user testimonials and advice from around the world, from all types of people. I was skeptical at first, but you have to ask yourself... "Could ALL these people be morons?" Or, "Why would they all lie about a 3 dollar bottle that they aren't making any money from?"
There doesn't seem to be much to lose. If it stops working, I'll stop drinking! I'll write another review after my cholesterol check-up within 2 months, and probably another after I see how it does with colds this winter! Good health!!

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