
Optimum Nutrition Essential Amino Energy Review

Optimum Nutrition Essential Amino Energy
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I tried this product for 2 months now, and although I am extremely satisfied with the taste and amount of ingredients it has per serving, I am giving it 4 stars because it lacks the power I was looking for in a pre-workout drink.
- Taste -
Delicious! I will state though that the grape flavor is not my favorite, but the fruit fusion is by far extremely delicious when I drink it with ice water.
- Value -
Not bad, considering you are paying less than $1 per serving (beats getting a nasty sugar loaded energy drink)
- Benefits -
Depending on what you're into, this might or might not be the product for you. When I was training for a half marathon, this worked wonders for me, it provided me with the right amount of energy to prevent fatigue and did not dehydrate me at all. I would drink this 20 minutes before my workout and off I went. My wife really enjoyed the taste as well, and she like the fact that it did not give her any jitters or made her all shaky as other products I tried before. The supplements you get with this product are pretty good for recovery as well, since I was recovering rather well from long runs.
Although I never took this product too late in the afternoon, I never had any issues trying to sleep at night. I have come across some products that kept me up all night and it was more like a inconvenient side effect that superseded the benefits of the supplement.
- Cons -
I will be honest and say that although I did enjoy taking this supplement, the only bad thing I can say it that it does not carry the overall punch I was looking for in a pre-workout drink when I would do power lifting. If you're looking for a pre-workout drink that will take you over the edge and make you have an insane workout, this is not the product for you.
I do recommend this product for those looking for a little extra for your workouts and don't need excessive amounts of energy, specially since this are all amino acids and they are quickly absorbed by your muscles during workout and they don't do any known harm to your body. If you need something for you yoga, pilates, zumba, cardio, biking, or any such classes, this will be the product for you. But if you're a bodybuilder and need something with a punch to get through that insane workout, this is not for you.

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I was really surprised by the negative reviews. I have been using supplements for many years now and the renew first cleanse and cleanse smart have been part of that discipline.
I am a wife and mom, therapist, fitness instructor and overall health food enthusiast. I have done extensive research on many different antioxidants, herbs, minerals and whole foods with healing properties. I do believe these renew life products are beneficial to the body and facilitate holistic cleansing. (I can only comment on the first cleanse and cleanse smart formulas because these are the only ones I use, but I have been using them literally for years with good results)
I really think the key here is understanding what cleansing is all about. These formulas are not about traditional colon flushing. In fact, the evening formula, focused on the colon specifically, does not use any of the more typical yet more harsh laxative herbs that most colon cleansers use-- like psyllium husk, cascara sagrata, senna, etc.-- which are good if you are really constipated, but many people find too strong unless in small doses. It does use magnesium hydroxide (think milk of magnesia) which is a naturally occurring mineral, an antacid which also increases water in the intestines. It is an important mineral for the body, especially the muscles and nerves. It CAN have a laxative effect-- causing diarrhea in some people--which in turn causes cramping due to loss of potassium. If you add potassium (eat a banana or two perhaps) the cramping subsides-- and taking one pill every other day until your system finds the right dosage should eliminate the diarrhea.
The dosage in the cleanse smart (2 capsules) is less than half of the other ingredients and also a little over half the DV for magnesium for a day. It is a relatively small amount--nonetheless, you CAN overdose on it in very large quantities, and you dont want to take anything without knowing your body and specific medical needs. I would say to talk to a medical doctor, but most of them simply dismiss herbal supplements without understanding them and prefer processed pharmaceuticals, which, in many people's opinions, clogs your body further! But this, of course, is a personal choice and responsibility.
Cleanse Smart and first cleanse has added aloe, one of the greatest lubricants in nature, and ginger, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial root to this nighttime colon formula. But even better, it has Triphala, which is an Ayurvedic blend of three (dried) fruits, one to correlate to each dosha and therefore balance the body and encourage homeostasis. It is said to support the entire digestive and gastro intestinal function while strengthening nutritional assimilation.
That is really what cleansing is about on a greater level than just treating constipation. It is about cleansing and nourishing all of the body systems that have been damaged and are malfunctioning due to years of toxic build up. A lot of this is focused in the colon because a blocked colon does not allow for assimilation of nutrients -- this means that if you arent already sort of cleaned out, even the herbs in the cleanse smart formulas will not be as effective.
When I first started out, I used the first cleanse and started making changes to my diet slowly. I waited a week or so and then repeated the first cleanse. Now I use the cleanse smart on a need basis-- when Ive eaten too much or unhealthy food too frequently-- or when I notice I havent had a bowel movement that day.Some days I only take one am pill and one pm pill and Im good.
I especially like the am formula because it has a really great blend of herbs for the other important organs and body systems-- dandelion root is a blood cleanser, milk thistle for the liver, hawthorn berry for the heart, etc. If you just google all of the herbs in the formulas, you will see why I think the products are so great.
If you have not had a good experience with these products, I would say try again with a different understanding of what cleansing is-- a long-term process of eliminating toxic build up and reestablishing homeostasis or equilibrium in the body so that all systems are functioning synergistically. I have tried many products and these are really some of the best for that purpose. But it has to be part of a whole life-style change-- choosing healthier, organic foods more often while reducing chemicals, processed foods, simple white sugars and flours, etc, drinking lots and lots of water, adding antioxidants to prevent further build-up, exercising and relaxing the body-- getting enough sleep, laughter, spiritual nourishment and practice. Cleansing is more than just about taking a few pills and expecting a miracle.

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Emergen-C Review

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The minute I start feeling early symptoms of a cold, I start chugging this plus Echinecea supplements. Within a day or two, the symptoms are gone. If I'm already sick, I take this and the cold goes away faster. It tastes pretty good. You can make hot or cold drinks with it. I've only tried it cold and it's not grainy or gross at all. It's almost like a fruit flavored drink. I have friends who like to make it into a kind of tea and it works for them. So far, everyone I know who has tried this product has loved it.

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Sub-Test Review

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I have been an iSatori fan for a while, use several of their products. I loved their ISA Test so i though i would give this a shot and i am pleased to say they really did well with this product. My workouts are improved for sure. Thanks Isatori.

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Thorne Research - MediClear Plus Formula - 920 g. Review

Thorne Research - MediClear Plus Formula - 920 g.
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My other half and I did this program together as laid out by Thorne Research. It was not easy. Preparing all of your food is time consuming, especially when you have to stop and think what you can use for subsitutes for the things you are supposed to eliminate from your diet. It did make a person stop to think whether you're really hungry. The recipes in the booklet for this cleanse were very helpful and some we still use today
The mix was best disguised in juice made in a VitaMix. We thought it was pretty disagreable until we ran out and tried filling in with another brand until more came in the mail...It made the MediClear seem quite palletable!
In the end, it was very worth it. Hubby's cholesterol was the lowest it has ever been, allowing him to go from 40mg Lipitor to 10! Also, digestive problems that were previously label IBS were discovered to be dairy allergies.
Recommendations: Prepare ahead of time. You will need a lot of specialty ingredients to make the foods that are allowed on the diet, and this is pricey. If you have a food co-op in your area, get a membership! Plan your menu ahead of time, knowing it is still going to take longer. Be prepared for the energy drop if you choose to do week 2 without meat as recommended. For one person to be on this program for three weeks will require 2 containers of MediClear. Two people may be able to stretch 3 containers. Last, a VitaMix is very helpful in this process. Being able to make soups and smoothies alone was a lifesaver.

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Rainbow Light Sunny gummies Vitamin D 1000 Review

Rainbow Light Sunny gummies Vitamin D 1000
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I have trouble swallowing large pills and have had digestive issues with some vitamin pills. These taste good and sit well with my stomach. I have taken them daily with no problems. Suggested use is one pill per day, so the 50 gummies last 50 days.

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PrimaFORCE 5-HTP 100mg Review

PrimaFORCE 5-HTP 100mg
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i ordered this through amazons subscribe and save program. the price was fair and as an added bonus, the pills are actually the vegetarian version, which is always good (and hard to find for many pills). the label shown does not indicate that, but that's what i received. however, the pills i received expire in 7/10. that's not a very long shelf life considering the bottle this order is replacing had an expiration date in 2012. i canceled my subscribe and save subscription due to this.

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Orange OxiMega Fish Oil Review

Orange OxiMega Fish Oil
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This is an awesome fish oil for a great price. Provides a high dose of epa/dha and because of the enteric coating there are NO fish burps. great stuff

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Zipfizz Energy Drink Mix 20 tubes Review

Zipfizz Energy Drink Mix 20 tubes
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Despite it's juvenile sounding name, this isn't a child's energy drink that's for sure. Each tube packs about 42,000% the recommended daily dose of Vitamin B12. The high from this is extremely stable and hasn't yet given me the jitters. Everyone reacts differently though so to guarantee 100% that you will not get the jitters would be a lie. When I take it, I feel very awake, alert, and clear headed. I use it before a workout and several of the ingredients make it perfect for the gym. The let down is probably the smoothest you'll find among energy drinks. And if you feel a cold coming on, downing one of these may help tremendously.
The name comes from the interaction the mix has with water. You pour one vile into a 16-20 oz bottle of water and the stuff fizzes like crazy! If you don't get the lid on fast enough, you'll quickly find there will be a mess! I've found using a wide mouthed nalgene bottle is the best way to prevent these types of accidents.
In addition to the massive amounts of Vitamin B12, it has a good amount of Vitamin C (500mg), Niacin (10mg), Vitamin B6 (2.5mg), Calcium (60mg), Magnesium (100mg), and Potassium (905mg). It has almost every water soluble vitamin meaning that a lot of the excess that your body doesn't utilize, will be flushed through your kidneys. With that being said, drink a lot of liquid with this and don't over use the product (company recommends no more than 3 a day) or the chance of getting kidney stones exists.
It has a 317mg "proprietary" blend blend of L-Arginine, L-Taurine, Caffeine from guarana, Alpha-lipoic acid, Grape seed extract, Green tea leaf extract, Ginger root, and Ginseng root. I don't know how much each compound contributes to the 317mg but they do acknowledge that 100mg of it is caffeine (about the same as a cup of coffee).
There are multiple flavors but I'm partial to Grape and Orange Soda. The flavors are very sweet and candy-like but they surprisingly have no sugar. 10 total Calories and only 2g Total Carb.
This is an excellent product and recommend it over any other energy drink.

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Rapidcuts Femme Review

Rapidcuts Femme
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I joined a gym last month and this week I decided to try Rapidcuts Femme on a whim, because I was curious to see if it would increase the effectiveness of my workouts. I was already supplementing my diet with B12 and Chromium on most days - and since those are 2 of the main ingredients in this mixture, I thought this would be a convenient way to combine those 2 pills into one, and get some extra herbs like ashwaganda thrown in to boot. It's only been a few days, so it's too early to say for sure if the long term claims like accelerated weight loss will become apparent, but I can already say for sure that this is an excellent energy/alertness booster. After B12 and Chromium, the main ingredient by weight is various forms of Green Tea extracts, including EGCG, as well as a little yerba mate and cocoa. From the first day, I noticed a sharp increase in my level of "awakeness" and alertness - which makes sense considering the caffeine that comes along naturally with those ingredients. But unlike coffee, which makes me jumpy and gives me a stomach ache, this feeling was a nice balanced buzz. Instead of being disruptive, it was a subtle background increase in my energy level. I don't know if that translates into an increased metabolism, but it's nice - and I think it'll make going to the gym and working out more intensely and for longer periods there a bit easier.
The directions recommend taking 2 pills a day, but I got such a noticeable effect from just one pill that I've been taking only 1 each day around lunch time, before heading to my workout. It kicks in quickly, so you can take it when you want the most effect. Although I've found it to be pretty long lasting - the box suggests 6+ hours of effectiveness, and as surprising as it is, that seems accurate now that I've tried it. I would be careful about taking this in the evening, and I'd watch what other sources of caffeine you ingest when starting this, until you judge its effect.
I'm always pretty skeptical of these types of quick weight loss products, but also curious. I was pleasantly surprised by this one and am optimistic it will give me an extra boost in the long run. And by taking only 1 pill a day, the bottle is actually a 6 week supply, which makes the price a little better. The box says it's formulated to be combined with a workout routine, but even if you aren't going to the gym, I could see this being an excellent study aid or energy booster on days when you are feeling run down. My verdict so far: 5 stars!

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Peridin-C Vitamin C Supplement tablets - 100 ea Review

Peridin-C Vitamin C Supplement tablets - 100 ea
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I have taken this product for 4 weeks as directed, with no noticeable improvement in hot flashes.

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PureFit Nutrition Bar, 2-Ounce Bars (Pack of 15) Review

PureFit  Nutrition Bar, 2-Ounce Bars (Pack of 15)
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Finally a gluten-free nutrition bar that satisfies and tastes rich and chocolatey. I eat it for lunch on a busy day in between seeing patients and it keeps me going all afternoon. It's like a rich chewy brownie except I know it's good for me. This so far is my favorite nutrition bar made by anyone and my favorite flavor for this company. I also recommend the peanut butter one.

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Planetary Herbals Triphala-Garcinia Program, 1180 mg, Tablets, 120 tablets (Pack of 2) Review

Planetary Herbals Triphala-Garcinia Program, 1180 mg, Tablets, 120 tablets (Pack of 2)
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I had been taking triphala for several months daily (which I only recently heard is not a great idea) when I switched to this product. It did not help me eliminate as well as the full strength triphala.

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underWAY Acai-Pomegranate Appetite Suppressant Beverage, 16-Fluid Ounces, 1 Bottle (Pack of 24) Review

underWAY Acai-Pomegranate Appetite Suppressant Beverage, 16-Fluid Ounces, 1 Bottle (Pack of 24)
Average Reviews:

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I was so excited to learn about this, and when I finally bought it, I was beyond disappointed. It has an OK taste, but it did ABSOLUTELY nothing to suppress my appetite. In fact, it seems that I even got hungrier after drinking the product. Expensive too, but if it did what it says it does, I wouldn't mind spending the money, bud did NOT work for me.

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Protein Blitz 60 Grams Whey Isolate 2 lb (908 g) Review

Protein Blitz 60 Grams Whey Isolate 2 lb (908 g)
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This powder has the highest amount of protein for the lowest amount of calories that I've found so far. It's not bad mixed just with water, and is really good when blended up into a shake of some sort. I like using frozen banana, a little splenda, almond milk, and a spoonful of peanut butter.

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Xenistat By Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals - 120 Tablets Review

Xenistat By Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals - 120 Tablets
Average Reviews:

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works effectively without side effects, keeps you at stable weight without exercise. With excercise either walking or tredmill lose even more.

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PowerBar Energy Bites 8 ea Review

PowerBar Energy Bites 8 ea
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I was able to purchase these at such a good deal I tried them and found they taste good too. They are perfect for long runs. The protein/carb mix works well after long workouts as well.

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