
Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA 5000mg Powder Review

Optimum Nutrition Instantized BCAA 5000mg Powder
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I started adding BCAA powder along with ON L-Glutamine powder to my twice-daily protein shakes. ON makes a great line of products, and the BCAA product doesn't disappoint. I'm not going to tell you here that I've made instantaneous or "huge gains" and enjoy "all day pumps." The boost is subtle, but it's there. Over the several months that I've been consistently using these products, I have noticed increases in my in-gym endurance and strength, particularly when it's a long (an hour or more) workout doing 5 to 7 sets for the body part(s)targeted for the workout, with medium number reps (10 - 15)in each set. I'm able to stay longer and work harder. This is important to me, because I usually don't hit the gym until 7:00 at night after a full day's work. I can't attribute the benefit exclusively to BCAA's, specifically, but the combination of the two supps seems to help recovery, particularly when I've given it 150% which is most of the time (hey, life is short). I use other supps, BSN NO-Xplode and CellMass, and still do, so my impression of the benefits of BCAA's is admittedly unscientific. However, I'm a hard-gainer type, so I'm in the habit of paying close attention to my body to tell if something's working or not. For now, the vote is thumbs up on BCAA's, and I'll continue to use the product.
The BCAA powder is white, tasteless and very fine, You don't get any grittiness or funky after-taste, even if you mix it with plain water. Adding extra BCAA's to other supps that impact the basic building blocks of muscle seems logical and is something I recommend people at least try. I purchased my latest supply through Amazon from All Star Health and the service and price (even with shipping) were excellent.
I will add that despite its fineness and easy-dissolving in water, or mixing in a shake (I use an electric blender or a blender-bottle shakerBlenderBottle 28-Ounce with BlenderBall, Blue, trying to stir in a teaspoon of the powder to a pre-packaged shake (for example Myoplex or Muscle Milk which don't have BCAA's as part of their ingredients - [I'm going from memory on Muscle Milk; EAS does not list BCAA's as ingredients in the Myoplex 42gr. protein shake]) or cold milk that you've just taken out of the fridge, is not a good idea. With a cold, thick liquid (like a Myoplex shake, you're apt to leave most of the powder stuck to the spoon. If you want to "hot rod" one of these pre-made drinks and you're at home, dissolve the powder in a little bit of warm - i.e., room temp or a little warmer - not hot/boiling - water and then stir it into immediately the shake. Same goes for adding L-Glutamine powder. It just needs to dissolve, not "cook."
Addendum: 4/1/2010 - EAS "100% Whey Protein" and Optimum Nutrition's "Gold Standard" whey protein powder products both list BCAA's as part of their ingredients. I am currently "test driving" Gaspari Nutrition's Myofusion protein powder product. The Gaspari Myofusion product does NOT list BCAA's as part of its ingredients. Accordingly, I am adding BCAA's to "hot rod" it. And I don't pre-dissolve it - just spoon it right into the blender.

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