
Recreate Review

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I have never considered using a thermogenic or a stimulant fat burning product, mainly because stims wreck me but also because I've never needed to lose fat. After getting my diet and training dialed in, I added Recreate for an extra punch and noticed results halfway through the bottle.
Recreate had me sweating for the first two bottles, but by the third I could barely feel it. But barely feeling it is exactly the reason I chose it. The stimulants (only 75mg of caffeine per cap) are very weak, as this is NOT intended to be an energy supplement. The caffeine is necessary to jumpstart the process of lipolysis (burning fat for fuel), and is simply one of many pathways for fat loss in Recreate. With an intense weight training program, a dialed in diet, I was able to drop 4 pants sizes in the course of two months.
The most important thing to mention, is that while I was losing fat I was also gaining muscle. I did not maintain an extreme calorie deficit, but rather ate enough to continue a lean bulk that ended up with me actually only losing 5 pounds overall (from size 40 waist back down to a 36, from 215 pounds back down to 210). If you think "oh, he only lost 5 pounds", you are missing the point. The scale only shows an aggregate of your total body mass. What this means, is that while I was losing fat I was also gaining higher-density muscle tissue. The aggregate weight shift was actually more closer to 15-20 pounds over the course of the three bottles. I estimate I was able to gain approximately 4 pounds of muscle, while losing slightly more in fat _per month_. This is unbelievable, and if someone would have told me this could happen I simply would not have believed them. I gained size and strength while losing fat, and did not have to cut my caloric intake.
For those of you looking for a miracle diet pill, get out. The only real way to lose fat and keep it off is to get your diet in check, resistance training, and a solid will power. These pills will definitely help you get there, but the onus is on YOU to get right and stay away from empty calories.

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