
Maximum Human Performance Dark Matter 1200g Review

Maximum Human Performance Dark Matter 1200g
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People rave about how great Myozene(another top of the line mass builder) is as a mass builder. I agree with that raving for the most part as I took Myozene for 3 months last fall and the results I got were only decent. If I remember correctly, I was maxing 330lbs on flat barbell bench prior to using it and after 3 months my bench had gone up 10 pounds(I added roughly 5 lbs of muscle during that time). Keep in mind that the heavier you go up in weight the harder it gets to increase max. Adding in dealing with plateus and it's all kinds of fun setting goals at the gym, So, I was really pleased and thought Myozene was the bomb. At least until I tried Dark Matter...
I started taking Dark Matter right around the first of December 2009, nearly 2 months now. In 2 months, I put on a solid 15 lbs of muscle and my bench went from 335(yes, I lost 5 lbs on my bench after I laid off Myozene for 2 months) to 360. I went from 8% body fat to 6%. Incredible stuff! However, I starting to plateau now because I haven't had an increase in bench in nearly 3 weeks. After I finish this last container I will lay off of Dark Matter for 5 or 6 weeks so my body can readapt to it, then I will start back on it and see if I have any more gains in weight and bench. As it stands though, Dark Matter has done amazing things for me! I think it all boils down to our body chemistry makeup. What works great for one person may not for another. I've tried those pre-workout n.o. supplements and not one of them has ever done a thing for me. Is Dark Matter better than Myozene? For me it is. But for you it might not be. Experimentation is the key. Personally, I'd start with Dark Matter first, since it's cheaper, and see if it does anything for you. If not, go to Myozene. Results with always vary from person to person with body building supplement you take. The key is to find what works best for you. Experimentation.
What about taste? Frankly, I didn't care for Myozene's taste at all, but got used to it. Dark Matter? Well, I didn't know what to make of it at first as it has a weird texture. Almost like a somewhat thick liquid jell-o that goes down super smooth. I tried both the Grape and Blue Raspberry flavors and both of them have grown on me. I won't say that I crave them, but I've gotten where I look forward to taking it after my workout. So the taste is not bad at all. It actually tastes really good, it's just the texture might throw you for a loop at first. What did freak me out about it was the fact that Dark Matter makes my poop green. Yep, green! This worried me, so I called my doctor asked him if that was anything to worry about and he said no. It's just some of the food coloring in the mix that causes that and something in the mix causes you to secrete bile into your poop. For me, it has caused no bloating or any stomach problems for that matter. Also, when you take Dark Matter make sure you haven't had anything, other than water, to eat or drink for at least 2 hours so it won't interfere with Dark Matter's powerful formula. It's safe to take a whey protein shake or pre-workout drink 45 minutes to an hour before you workout. Just make sure you workout at least an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes.
Keep this in mind: Dark Matter probably wasn't the sole contributor for me adding 15 lbs of muscle, increasing my bench 25 lbs, and dropping 2% in body fat. I'm sure much of it had to with very intense heavy lifting for an hour to an hour and half 6 days a week combined with taking a mass gainer(MHP's Up You Mass... top of the line gainer!) twice a day 7 days a week, a casein protein shake(Prosource's Nytroplex GF... awesome stuff!) every night before I go to bed, and glutamine(MHP's Glutamine SR... more awesome stuff and zero soarness!). Add to that 3 hours of cardio a week, at least 8 hours of sleep a night, well balanced meals, and be sure to change up your workout routine every 6 weeks so your muscles with respond and grow.
Dark Matter gave me a serious edge over the weights. It provided me with the ULTIMATE post workout drink when my muscles were screaming for it. Give it a try and see what it does for you. I'd be willing to bet you'll at least get some good, if not great, results from it after taking it for a little while, with an intense training schedule, some really good protein/glutamine supplements, eat well balanced meals and get plenty of sleep. You may want to try a pre-workout supplement to go with your plan. Remember not to over do it no matter what stage of bodybuilding you're at and keep your routine fresh.

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