
NOW Foods Pyruvate 1000mg Review

NOW Foods Pyruvate 1000mg
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Ok so i have been running 5 days a week, started 2/27, and ofcourse i have been seeing results. I actually forgot i had this product and started taking it again as of 4/1. WOW is all i can say! I noticed a major difference!!!!! in a number of areas. I forgot what this product did so i had to research it again. Here is what i have experienced using this product for 7 days while running 6 days the week i used it; (by the way, with these results i am ordering another bottle today!)
Just so you know i am an average 42 yr old female, zero health problems, and try very hard to eat right and take vitamins....etc, you get the picture.)
1. Increased stamina, i can run for a longer period of time without feeling physically fatigued anywhere on my body, particularly anywhere from the knee down. True to form after i hit the 40 minute mark, like clock work, my body would start to feel fatigued, and from then on it became more of a mental push so that i could run for longer. That limit has now been pushed passed 60 mins before i start to feel some physical fatigue due to running.
2. Although i LOVE to run i suffer from diagnosed compartment syndrome. (long story short, i get pain in my calf muscle compartments due to too much pressure, over long duration of use, i.e. when i run) I still love to run so i suffer through it. Amazingly i have no pain or tightness or any discomfort anywhere from the knee down, my calf muscles (or shins) barely even bother me while running. I noticed a difference after the 4th day of taking Calcium P. This alone for me is incredible!!! I have had this problem since i was in my 20's, as stated above, i am 42 so you do the math. That's a long time to push through your running workouts due to pain in your lower legs and to not have that now is pretty amazing, perhaps i was deficient, i don't know but i can tell you it really helped.
3. Increased energy, not a high or buzz, just a natural consistent energy level from morning til night. I run after work, at about 6:00pm or later so i never feel too tired to workout, infact, because of the 3 items mentioned above, i have actually added another day of running because i can physically handle it now.
4. I have noticed more of a fat burn/loss with the product than without using it. Without a doubt, visibly, more fat has come off of my stomach mid-section area just within 7 days! It's almost like every time i run it really and truly chips away at the fat on my stomach. I do zero situps!!! I prob'ly should, i don't hate them, i just like to run, oh! and swing around a kettle bell also, but i did not use it during this 7 days period, i just ran. This is another result that has wow'd me! I am definitely seeing more of an inch loss, i don't weigh myself, don't care too, i go by how my clothes fit.
Yeah! this stuff is giving me the extra boost i need to increase and be able to enjoy my running time.
I will certainly continue to use this product with all of the other stuff i do and take for better health and well being.
I forgot to mention!!! i only take 2 pills a day, one in the morning and one in the late afternoon, that's it.
I love this stuff, i am making this product a permanent part of my daily vitamin intake and am actually ordering another bottle as soon as i send this review through. Be well and live happy! ;D

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